Today’s video is about saving time.

Saving time is an unusual topic because normally our outlook is: time is here for each of us to do our best, however long it takes.
All the same, time is important. We must use it wisely.
And that’s precisely why we sometimes use short-cut methods to get us further than we’d otherwise be: so that we have more time for things which matter more.
Here’s one example in this video. We used it in the window which you see above. The time we saved meant we had more time for etching, painting, plating and for the complicated leading.
Watch the demonstration here
Now I’ll hand over to Stephen to explain:
Over to you
If you’ve got questions, please leave them in the comment box below.
And it’s so helpful to other glass painters when you post a link to Facebook or Twitter.
Thank you!
Thanks David and Stephen, I love it when you put paid to the phoniness of the art world with your skill, craft, genius and true art – forever in your debt.
Happy holidays!
As always, so informative and interesting. Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing!
Inspiring! What a gift. Thank you!
Brilliant information and approach! You guys are the best! Many thanks.
I have worked with a lot of top artists and craftsmen over my years in the discipline of stained glass and only a handful of them have ever shown the energy and passion that you show for the craft. Truly inspiring and thought provoking. Many thanks.
So helpful. Many thanks. Annie
Thanks for presenting that info. I have used that same method. I might suggest to those who haven’t that tag or poster board works great if after you cut the image you coat both sides with a clear plastic spray. It both protects and stiffens the pattern. Another favorite time saving method for me is silk screening. I love it. After preparing a screen I index it much the same way you did for the stars. I did 75 pieces once that still needed shading after the screening was complete. I payed them in flat boxes in the direct sun light. When completely dry I mixed my usual matt paint gum and water.then painted & blended as usual. And like you, I could take each piece and add the high lights and softening.
By the way have a blessed and Merry Christmas.
Inspiring and informative as usual! I like your comments on craft people, and I like the way you aways remind us to focus on what’s important to us and our own work. Thank you so much!
Well done! Your enthusiasm is infectious and your tips are very useful. Many thanks.
Merry Xmas to you both and thanks for all the hard work you put in to keep us on track.
“…hijacked by all that…solipsistic rubbish….”
Tell it like it is, Stephen! Love it!
I can’t believe how your instructions are so simple and give such great results. Saving time to work on personal projects and stretching your skills to the limit is a must if you want to grow. I’ve been in stained glass since 1973. I have attend many seminars in various parts of the U.S. and Canada, but none shine so much as when you give us demonstrations. one of these days I might be able to attend a week long class with you when you come to the U.S. again.
I want to thank you for all you do for everyone, not just the professional. You make everyone feel comfortable and want to learn more. Have a blessed and successful new year. I look forward to the emails and the directions.
God bless
Al Wentzell