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19 Insider Strategies to Improve your Kiln-Fired Stained Glass Painting – Free Download

“Which glass painting strategies do you value most?”

Here are 19 glass painting strategies for you to use

What an interesting question. (And I wonder what you will say when you see what’s coming up.)

Yes of course – it all depends on the design / cartoon itself.

But all the same, some glass painting strategies are more valuable and adaptable than others. Because they lift your painting to a new level.

Here’s my choice – 19 insider strategies as used by all professional glass painters though they maybe don’t have the time to tell you what they really do when no one’s looking.

And I remember from my own apprenticeship days how one of the master glass painters I worked with used to shut the paint room’s door.

Believe me, this wasn’t so that he could concentrate.

No, it was all meant to be kept secret. The media, the quantities, the sequence, the brushes. Everything a secret.

What a way to live – behind closed doors. It’s not for us. And nor for you I trust.

So just copy and master these strategies and you’ll maybe wonder what held you back for so long.

All the same, of course, these strategies are not compulsory.

No. It’s up to you whether you want to learn to paint glass well. It’s your life. It’s your glass, your tools and materials, your designs. If you’re happy you know it all already, read no further. Forget I ever mentioned the existence of these 19 insider glass painting strategies.

Just carry on like before.

Other people – please read on.

Oh and please don’t expect a formal, “showing off / I’m the expert” style.

I’ll leave that for those jumped-up “how-to” books which contain a lot of silly, useless and costly rubbish.

No, I’m confident enough about the value of what’s here to talk to you directly with an open collar, so to speak. (Hmmm and not just “so to speak” …)

These 19 strategies really work. They’re the real thing. They certainly make a huge difference to my life and David’s – to the styles of glass we can paint. And we don’t need footnotes to prove it.


Protected: Kiln-Fired Stained Glass Painting: Learn the Techniques

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