A Time-Saving Method Which Can Give You Time For More Important Things

Studio Pass

Today’s video is about saving time.


Saving time is an unusual topic because normally our outlook is: time is here for each of us to do our best, however long it takes.

All the same, time is important. We must use it wisely.

And that’s precisely why we sometimes use short-cut methods to get us further than we’d otherwise be: so that we have more time for things which matter more.

Here’s one example in this video. We used it in the window which you see above. The time we saved meant we had more time for etching, painting, plating and for the complicated leading.

A Second Way To Shade Stained Glass Before You Trace

This is the same technique which won us a huge contract

Here it is, so you can use it also in your work

Last time you saw a simple way to shade stained glass before you trace. Here today you’ll find a second way.

Big reason this is important: shading gives life to your work – it matters to your audience.

The proof?

The proof is in this video, in a story Stephen tells.

How To Paint These Stained-Glass Poppies

Method: combine simple techniques to create a powerful effect

This is a detail from one of a north-facing pair of lancets we’ve just completed.

Stained-glass poppies

The theme for these two lancets – “At the going down of the sun …”.

(Opposite them, south-facing, a second pair, whose theme is “… and in the morning || We will remember them”. You can find the full poem here.)

And I want now to take time-out from the work I’m doing on some new designs to talk you through the techniques I used to make the poppies

Maybe then, you too can use these same steps in the work you do.