Today’s video is about saving time.
Saving time is an unusual topic because normally our outlook is: time is here for each of us to do our best, however long it takes.
All the same, time is important. We must use it wisely.
And that’s precisely why we sometimes use short-cut methods to get us further than we’d otherwise be: so that we have more time for things which matter more.
Here’s one example in this video. We used it in the window which you see above. The time we saved meant we had more time for etching, painting, plating and for the complicated leading.
I understand why highlights worry many people. The lines and shadows demand a lot of patience, yet they’re only half the story. Till you’ve put the highlights in, your painted glass – however finely traced – is dull. It’s one-dimensional.
Highlights are the cure – as you can see above.
The problem is, highlights also have a risk. A big risk: if you do them badly, they will wreck your work.
With the heavy use you give your palette knives, they wear out in a year or so. Indeed, ours sometimes snap. What then? The waste bin perhaps? No – like a come-back film star, they have a second life: they make great leading knives.
Here it is, so you can use it also in your work
Last time you saw a simple way to shade stained glass before you trace. Here today you’ll find a second way.
Big reason this is important: shading gives life to your work – it matters to your audience.
The proof?
The proof is in this video, in a story Stephen tells.