Is This An Answer To The Misery Of Dried Out Glass Paint?

My tests so far ...

These past several days, I’ve spent time testing an ingredient which, added in small quantities to my usual lump of glass paint mixed with water and gum Arabic, so far appears to possess these helpful properties:

  • It slows down the rate at which the lump dries out
  • Reduces the time it takes to restore my dried-out palette each morning and post-lunch / phone calls / meetings etc.
  • Improves the evenness of my copy-traced lines
  • Helps with flooding because the paint is held together more smoothly than before
  • Permits crisp highlights and wondrous softened highlights
  • Still allows me to do everything else I like to do like ‘ordinary’ softened lines or softened half-tones …

All this is wonderful. Almost too good to be true.

But …

Last-Minute Nerves

It also happens to those at the top of their profession

Last week I was in London. I was there to discuss a set of designs we must prepare next autumn for windows we will make in 2016.

And so, leaving myself sufficient time between meetings, I called in to see a dear sculptor friend of mine.

He’s hugely talented. Famous too: successful. You’d probably recognise his name.

But despite his vast fame and talent, one look told me how upset he was. Anxious. Agitated.

How To Use Your Badger Blender Properly By Blending From All Sides

From all sides: not just one

When your undercoat goes down, some people are too timid: they “badger” too gently. Like they were dusting a priceless china vase. Like they were frightened they might break their glass.

Stained glass painting badger blender

Like they don’t really want to blend.

But let me tell you this: that’s not the way to do it.

Is Your Hake Brush Tougher Than You Think?

Today: a tip I've used and tested these 15 years

Today I want to share some understanding of two big topics:

hake brush stained glass painting
  1. How you paint a better undercoat
  2. How you treat your hake

I’ll even talk face-to-face with you over my light-box and show you what I mean: such is the joy of video (for those of you who have this technique-packed e-book).