Here’s the thing: I get a lot of questions asking about all the different ways there are of using glycol on your glass. So here’s a quick guide to show you 4 of them.
Some Mistakes I Made: Maybe You’ll Find Them Useful
Sometimes things succeed; and sometimes they don't
So I’ve been working through the new designs David prepared for our workshop at Bryn Athyn this coming June.
My George III is coming on just fine for now …
Stained Glass Painting Brushes – What To Look For
Sometimes brand is important
And so is paying twice the price.
So today the postman delivered the two small hakes I’d ordered. One was a big brand name. The other one – a generic version at half the price.
New Stained Glass Designs for Bryn Athyn Workshop
For our 4-day workshop at Bryn Athyn College, we’ll bring various designs from our actual windows e.g. the tycoon’s beasts and the Coronation lion.
I’m also preparing some ‘new’ designs …