Announcing Stained Glass Painting Competition No. 1 from Williams & Byrne

Stained glass design - final version - for Hereford Crematorium

“Why has it taken so long to finish me?”

Careful readers will see that “The Hereford Saga” has been silent for some months.

Yes, our work on completing the full-sized design was mysteriously stopped by some factor (or factors) beyond and outside of our control!

But readers will be glad to know that we have recently been able to re-start our work.

And right now, the full-sized water-coloured design is nearly complete.

That means we will soon be able to make the cut-lines and then start cutting and painting the glass itself.

At last!

So to celebrate – here, therefore, is the first-ever Williams & Byrne Competition

10 Years On

Late night revellers at the Williams & Byrne stained glass studio

“Let’s party!”

Yes, a “year” simply measures the time it takes for a planet to orbit the Sun.

So, if the period of three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days isn’t emotionally significant in itself, then nothing significant can be created just by multiplying this period by 10.

And yet …

Anniversaries are important.