Glass Paint: The Challenges And The Joys

An article we wrote

The editor of ‘Artists & Illustrators’ asked us for an article about the challenges and joys of stained glass painting.

Now his readers already use brushes with considerable skill. But, of course, they work on paper or canvas etc. Not glass.

We had just 500 words or so. Here’s the article we wrote for them.


The sequence of your lines

When you trace a stained glass design, you trace one line after another. So you trace the first line, and then the second, and the third and so on, until you’ve copied all the lines.

My point to you today is, you must study the design before you start. But not just that, because the crucial bit is this: you must decide the sequence of your lines. Decide? Yes, decide. In a moment, you’ll get two walk-throughs. But to start with, just take your design and …

“A Most Defective Book …”

Nine stained glass heads

A tale of techniques, crutches, card tricks, King David and – nine heads for you to copy

Yes, I do want to make you an offer – it’s a good one. But I also want to share an important insight. Here it is:

Techniques make good walking sticks but bad crutches.

Give me three minutes and I’ll explain …

And you’ll also find out how to get this useful guide to painting stained glass heads:

Stained glass heads - designs and techniques

Stained glass heads – designs and techniques