
They hit the glass too hard

Right, in his last post, Stephen challenged you to do it with one hand tied behind your back.

Undercoating, I mean.

And several people wrote how maybe they were heavy-handed, because no matter how they tried, their glass always spun away across the light-box.

So I reckon the best thing now is to show you what we mean.

Sounds good to you?

Good, so let’s get going.

A Sobering Thought about Your Painting Bridge

In my last post I gave you 9 tips for keeping a steady hand when tracing, or – “How to stop the wobbles“.

The last tip was, not too much wine. (Well, none at all is best.) Which reminds me how David’s been teetotal for 30 years. Not a single drop. Thankfully, that’s not the secret of his amazing skill, though as I say, you’ll definitely paint better when you’re “dry”.

No, other things also count – like your painting bridge and how you treat it.