Silver Stain – Proven Techniques

Silver stain – how to trace, blend, shade and flood from a reliable batch that lasts for months

Frustrated with silver stain? Fed up with unpredictable and disappointing results?

There’s no need.

There is another way …

Silver stain explained

How to mix a reliable batch of stain which lasts for months: how to trace, blend, shade and flood with stain: what you must do to prepare your brushes for staining: how to dilute your batch of stain to make any consistency you want: how to find the right firing schedule for your kiln: how to extend the blending and shading capacity of your stain: and the correct way to hold and use a round-headed blender.

Plus a step-by-step project.

If you mix your stain with water or vinegar, or if you’re new to stain, this guide is for you, so see here right now.

Silver Stain – Memories and Confessions

When anyone’s always been told to do something in a particular way, and then suddenly they think:

“But wait a moment, this doesn’t make sense!”

And they head off in a new direction and things work out for them there – well, the story’s interesting.

It’s interesting because it shows how all of us can think for ourselves, and also work together with like-minded souls, to do the kinds of things we’re meant to do …