We get a lot of questions about the brushes and tools we use.
For instance, questions about the palette knife which keeps our paint alive:
Or the hake we use for matting:
Or the brush which serves us loyally for tracing long and lovely lines:
And on the one hand this is great. I’m thrilled by your willingness to spend money and invest in yourselves. I’d do the same. When I know someone who’s figured out the answer to something I don’t know, I’ll go and ask them.
Yes, it makes good sense to seek advice.
But – it also troubles me.
It troubles me because sometimes people imagine there’s a simple answer.
A simple answer in the shops.
When actually the best answer might be close at hand right now.
Close at hand but difficult to see.
And that’s my point.
Often there’s a way to get more than we dreamed possible from an ordinary tool or brush.
That’s what you’ll see today: how you can get more from what you have right now.