Stained Glass Painting


It’s great you found us because here’s where you get answers to all kinds of questions about kiln-fired stained glass painting.

It’s all about techniques-in-action.

So your level doesn’t matter. You can be a studio owner or a beginner with a hobby. If you want to see how things happen in the real world and try them for yourself, that’s how you can learn new things here.

Finding what you want

Look along the top and you’ll see a menu bar:

The Home page takes you to the blog where you’ll find tips, techniques and discussions. There’s a useful new article every week.

Other tabs: take your time and explore them as you wish.

For example, who are we? Click the Profile tab.

Next, look to the right of the screen, and you’ll see testimonials from other glass painters. This is so you know you’re in good company.

Below the testimonials you’ll see a search box: type something, hit Enter, and you’ll go to a page with a list of relevant articles.

Below the search box, a list of Quick Links. This is very important. I’ve organized old articles/videos by heading. So if you’re interested in “tracing”, click the link, and away you go.

Regular tips and techniques

Sign up (it’s free), and you’ll get regular tips.

Wondering if it’s worth it?

Then click on the “7 Big Mistakes” tab on the menu bar and you’ll see what others say about this service.

It’s here.

Work hard and also ask

We’ll help everyone who helps themselves. The harder you work, the more you’ll get from us.

All the best,Stephen Byrne

P.S. Working hard is not the same as rushing. Take things in your own time. This isn’t a sweet shop from which you have to grab and eat as much as you can before you’re asked to leave. Everyone has different questions and different tasks ahead of them in life and also work. So take the time to browse and find answers to those questions which really interest you. It’s your life, your work. And when we can help, then write to us and say.

Intensive Glass Painting Course & Practice

Once only in 2011



Hello to you from David and me (Stephen)!

You asked about a hands-on, technique-packed glass painting course with us in our studio.

Click on a link below or just read things through.

Dates, what you will learn, who this is for, who this is not for

1 week in June 2011, a day-by-day proposal

Cost, how to book, terms

Accommodation, daily travel to and from the studio, English airports, nearest train station

The studio at Stanton Lacy in relation to Ludlow

Here’s the deal …

What you will learn

We can offer you stained glass painting techniques.

That way you know what to expect.

The proposal is: all the techniques from Glass Painting Techniques & Secrets from an English Stained Glass Studio e.g. water-based glass painting, oil-based glass painting and oil-based silver staining.

We will provide the designs.

Plus – the tycoon’s skylights

Detail from one of the tycoon's skylights

Detail from one of the tycoon’s skylights

We will be in the middle of painting and staining the tycoon’s sixteen stained glass skylights – a vast forgery of ancient-looking glass – destined for the tycoon’s London mansion.

You will therefore be able to see and even practice the same techniques.

Maybe you will even take back with you your own forgery of our forgery such as a “medieval” inscription or a medieval dragon …

One of the tycoon's 16 stained glass skylights

One of the tycoon’s 16 stained glass skylights – you can learn how it’s stained and painted


Monday afternoon June 6th through to end of Friday 10th June 2011

You can stay a few days longer if you wish. There will be a charge for this depending on whether you just want more time to practice (e.g. while we do our own work) or you want full coaching.

Other dates are not available. This is the only time in 2011 we can work with a small group of you in the studio.


Only 7 places.

Two of us to demonstrate and teach. (You will only be on your own when you want to be on your own.)

We will definitely need to talk/exchange further e-mails and be sure this course is right for you. It all depends on what you want.


This cost excludes your accommodation, travel, breakfast and supper.

Save £100 when you book before 31st March 2011

Save £100 – book before 31st March 2011

This cost includes all teaching, all materials (including glass), lunches and refreshments, use of all tools and kilns (i.e. no hidden extras while you are with us in the studio).

Save £100: book before 31st March 2011 and the cost per person is £480 (which includes £80 UK sales tax @20%).

But you must book before 31st March.

Book after 31st March 2011 and the cost per person is £580 (including sales tax).


At the Williams & Byrne studio in Stanton Lacy, near Ludlow, in the county of Shropshire, England, United Kingdom.

To search by postcode (ZIP): SY8 2AE.

Here’s a map showing where the studio is in relation to Ludlow: See map of studio at Stanton Lacy and Ludlow


You will need to select and book the accommodation which you want. You can search here. Below is a list of different kinds of places.

Bed & Breakfast / Guest Houses (from £30 per person per night): The Mount (double en-suite and twin en-suite available from £30 per person per night), The Hen & Chickens, Acorn Place, Cecil Guest House, The Merchant House, Henwick House, Branlea, Nelson Cottage,

Self-catering cottages and flats (by the week): Emily Place, Upper Linney, Balcony Flat, Ivy House, Frog Cottage, Posthorn Cottage, Mortimer Cottage, The Vineyard, The Mews Flat, The Bindery Flat, Drapers View,

Hotels (from £90 per night): Degreys, Charlton Arms, Feathers Hotel, Fishmore Hall Hotel, Dinham Hall, Mr Underhill’s (Michelin Starred),

In the countryside, close to us, there is Seifton Court. Also Tugford Farm (which also does self-catering – but you will definitely need your own car).

Important: we have no relationship with any of these businesses. In particular, we haven’t stayed with them and we do not get any commission for listing them.

Transport to and from the studio

The studio is three miles from Ludlow.

If you want to stay in Ludlow – a lovely English market town – we can book you a taxi to take you to and from the studio. It will probably be possible to share the cost with others. (We can sort this out closer to the time.)

Or you can hire a car and collect it from the airport – be sure to drive on the left.

Or you can hire a bicycle. (There is a quiet country road between Ludlow and the studio.)


London has many airports e.g. Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stanstead and the City Airport.

Nearer to us (but that is not a deciding criterion) is Birmingham International and John Lennon International (which is near Liverpool).

Nearest train station

The nearest train station is Ludlow. It’s right in the centre of town. It’s three miles from the studio.

Note: Sunday train travel is very difficult in England. We advise against it.

Who this is for

This course is suitable for people who have known us for a while e.g. we’ve exchanged e-mails, you’ve followed the blog or the newsletter, you’re seen the DVD and/or you’ve read Glass Painting Techniques & Secrets from an English Stained Glass Studio.

The basic line is: you know the kind of people we are and the kind of painting we do, and we know something about you and your interest (amateur or professional) in stained glass painting.

You're happy with a structured, technique-based approach to learning

You’re happy with a structured, technique-based approach to learning

You appreciate the importance of good technique, and you’re keen we work with you to improve your technique.

You’re happy with a formal, structured offering from us.

You have good mobility in your upper-body. Also good eye-sight (with or without glasses).

You have done some glass painting (you have a good idea of what it is you want to improve) or you have long wished to study it intensively in a professional studio.

Who this is not for

This course is not suitable for someone who has just recently decided to add stained glass painting to their business model. Sorry, mid-recession is no time to do this.

Also, the course is not emotional therapy or a healing exercise: it will be hard work. So it is not suitable for anyone in search of “play time” to express themself or explore their artistic identity. (These things are fine but not this week with us.)

The course is not for anyone who believes they have already mastered most of Glass Painting Techniques & Secrets from an English Stained Glass Studio.

Other dates this year?

Sorry. The studio is flat out with commissioned work well into 2012. Yes, our normal practice was to run 4 weekend sessions a year. This isn’t possible this year or next.

So what we’re doing is opening up the studio just for this one week, and freeing up our time for people like you we’ve got to know.

This is a hidden page, and the only reason you’re here is because you are one of just 12 people who I’ve told about it.

How to book

A non-refundable payment of £100 secures your place. This is by bank transfer. We will send you a booking invoice with our bank details.

If you need to book your flight before you send your deposit, just talk with us and we will hold your place e.g. for a fortnight.


We love teaching but we also have to run a business and feed our families. If you need to cancel, we will do our best by you but we can only return your payment (less your deposit) if we can fill your place.

Other questions

Please write with questions or leave them just below: we’ll answer quickly.

All the best,
Stephen Byrne

P.S. Remember this is the only time in 2011 that this course can happen.

And – with all the real work you’ll see on the tycoon’s stained glass skylights – this is the only time this course will ever happen!