Three Stained Glass Owls

How to give your painting depth and life

stained glass owl

Techniques which bring your glass alive

Glass starts of shiny and flat. By painting it, you cut out and modify the light. And you want to do this in such a way the glass now gives your audience a sense of depth and life.

So here in this short guide is where you’ll learn how to build up layers and layers of depth in your glass painting. And that’s what will help bring your glass alive.

Now these techniques aren’t easy. They’re a challenge.

That’s why they’ll suit you if you’ve already done quite a lot of glass painting and you’re familiar with Glass Painting Techniques & Secrets from an English Stained Glass Studio.

“What do I get?”

You will get immediate access to a 15-page PDF glass painting guide with 3 designs.

“What’s the painting sequence?”

Just turn on your sound and watch the short video of the main stages you’ll learn about:

(Video not showing? Hit the refresh/reload button)

“What’s in the PDF download?”

You will get three full-sized water-colour designs of owl roundels – little owl, tawny owl and barn owl.

You will also get step-by-step photographs for each design.

Plus you’ll get short, clear instructions – laid out like this:

Step-by-step photos and short, clear instructions

Step-by-step photos and short, clear instructions


Please note though that this guide does not re-explain how to mix paint, how to prepare oil-based paint and so forth. That‘s all explained in Glass Painting Techniques & Secrets from an English Stained Glass Studio which is why I mentioned how you do need some prior experience to take on these three magnificent projects.

They’re beautiful. They’re enjoyable. And they’re a challenge.

100% money-back guarantee


And you always have a 100% risk-free money-back guarantee. If you want your money back for any reason, just write and say within 60 days, and I’ll oblige. I always want you to be completely happy with what you get from us.

The offer is …

How to paint three stained glass owls

Techniques which give your painting depth and life

Here’s the offer:

  • Instant access
  • 3 designs for stained glass owl roundels
  • Step-by-step photos
  • Short and clear instructions
  • 100% money-back guarantee

Price: just $9.97

Click here and download now

Download nowbuttondownloadnow

Proof At Last: Not All Artists Are Monstrously Egotistical

A wonderful surprise

OK so – still here in the US – David and I both spent 3 hours yesterday in the studio of Genius A who is an amazing designer and immensely skillful maker of stained glass.

What A does is painting, etching, enameling, silver-staining:

  • Stunning work.
  • Awesome reputation.
  • Fascinating studio.

And now, as chance would have it, Genius Z – another great stained glass designer; famous, too (which is not the same thing) – was also there in A‘s studio.

And what do you think happened?

Honestly now: what do you think happens when 2 Geniuses – huge talents, big people – share the same small space?

You want to know what happened yesterday?

You up for it?


Then here for you is …

Stained Glass Painting – Phoenix

Step-by-Step Glass Painting Project with Design

How to paint this magnificent phoenix

This 28-page PDF download gets you clear step-by-step instructions for painting this magnificent phoenix.

Design included.

Plus 2 bonuses.

Note: uses oil-based kiln-fired glass painting as demonstrated in Glass Painting Techniques & Secrets from an English Stained Glass Studio.

Page through the guide and see what you’ll get:

[book id=’5′ /]

And that’s not all.

As your 1st bonus, you’ll also get 5 extra heraldic designs:

  1. Cockatrice
  2. Salamander
  3. Lion
  4. Unicorn
  5. Sea Lion
  6. Phoenix

Scroll through!

Plus for your 2nd bonus, you’ll also get 12 signs of the zodiac:

  1. Aquarius
  2. Pisces
  3. Aires
  4. Taurus
  5. Gemini
  6. Cancer
  7. Leo
  8. Virgo
  9. Libra
  10. Scorpio
  11. Sagittarius
  12. Capricorn

You have a 100% risk-free money-back guarantee. Anytime you want your money back for any reason, just write and say, and we’ll oblige.

Your offer

How to paint this magnificent phoenix

How to paint this magnificent phoenix

Here’s the offer:

  • Instant access
  • Phoenix design plus step-by-step glass painting instructions
  • 5 bonus heraldic designs for you to use
  • 12 bonus zodiac designs for you
  • 100% money-back guarantee

Just $9.97 so … click here and download now

Download nowbuttondownloadnow

Studio Profile

The road to Stanton Lacy

You’ll find us down this road at Stanton Lacy

This is the road which leads you to where we work: the studio is just to the right of that 3-storey farm-house.

There are two of us here. David Williams and Stephen Byrne.

The Maker's Mark of Williams & Byrne

The Maker’s Mark of Williams & Byrne

Here’s our maker’s mark – because glass painters don’t usually sign their work with their own names: instead they make a distinctive mark.

So that’s what we put somewhere on every window we make. (More on makers’ marks and where we hide ours right here.)

As for the studio itself, it’s gorgeous.

The Studio

It used to be a barn, but now it’s a spacious light-filled studio, surrounded by pastures and farmland, and overlooked by the hazy Shropshire hills.


If you imagine rural England at its most perfect and peaceful, then you’ll see Shropshire.

Heaven indeed.

We’ve been here for 14 years now, and we don’t compete for the design and painting work we do. For example, a tycoon once asked us to design and paint 16 stained glass skylights for his dining room ceiling. He didn’t ask anyone else. End of story.

Or rather, start of story, because it was a lot of work. Each project gives us more to share with you. Like the story of how we won this tycoon’s trust (which you can read here).

And now let’s give you some information about us.

What we believe

The client’s interests are paramount. So our own need for self-expression must find other outlets than design and glass painting.

We believe that every building is different. So we absolutely will not design stained glass in the same “house style” for every building.

Biographical information

We’ve worked together since 1999. We set things up here in 2004. You’re welcome to see examples of our work – these are some of the stained glass windows we’ve designed and made, using the same techniques we write about and video.

David Williams

David Williams of Williams & Byrne the glass paintersDavid did his apprenticeship with Patrick Reyntiens at Mr. Reyntiens’ stained glass studios in Buckinghamshire and Somerset.

Under Mr. Reyntiens, David worked on the Britten memorial windows in Aldeburgh (for which he did a lot of acid-etching), and on Reyntiens’ new windows for Robinson College, Cambridge.

David also helped make various other windows designed by John Piper (such as the Evangelist windows at Saint John Without The Bars in the City of Lichfield) and Cecil Collins (for All Saints’ in Basingstoke).

In 1986 David took up the position of Studio Manager and Chief Designer at the John Hardman Studio of Birmingham.

At Hardman’s he designed, made and restored stained glass for fifteen years, working on a huge variety of projects. For example, a complete restoration of Saint Chad’s in Birmingham; two windows for Saint Mary’s, Uttoxeter; the restoration of glass in Inverness Cathedral; also in Winchester Great Hall ; and the Town Hall at Leamington Spa.

David left Hardman’s in 2004.

By way of early education, he studied Fine Art at the Laird School of Fine Art, and he has a degree in Fine Art from the Sunderland College of Art.

In 2011 and 2012, David worked with The Reytiens Glass Studio in London to help paint the Diamond Jubilee stained glass window for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Stephen Byrne

Stephen Byrne of Williams & Byrne the glass painters

Stephen did his apprenticeship (under David) at the John Hardman Studio between 1999 and 2003.

At Hardman’s Stephen worked with David on eight windows for Saint Stephen’s Hall in the Palace of Westminster and on two enormous facsimiles of Victorian windows: one being the magnificent east window from the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Farm Street, Mayfair, and the other being the equally glorious east window from Saint John the Divine, New York.

Stephen also worked on the restoration of a set of 14 French enamel stained glass doors which became a walk-in wardrobe in a pop star’s mansion.

Before stained glass, Stephen worked in the City of London for 13 years where he was a business analyst.

He has an Honours degree from the University of Saint Andrews and a doctorate from University College, Oxford.

7 ways we can help you improve your glass painting

There are 7 ways we can help you with your painting:

  1. Get this free e-book on the 6 essential tools and how to hold them: you can download your copy here.
  2. Browse this site. It’s packed with technique and insight into kiln-fired stained glass painting. Our video blog is here.
  3. Buy this book we wrote for newcomers.
  4. Come and learn with us at the studio, starting with a two-day intensive foundation course where you’ll learn how to do all your water-based glass painting in just one firing.
  5. Learn with us online – everything from a foundation course to silver staining: see here.
  6. If you have your own studio and need our help with a large project, we can come and work with you.
  7. We also give seminars and demonstrations. (At a recent event in the Netherlands, a professional glass painter commented she’d been looking 20 years to learn what we had shown her in just five hours).

Write to us here when you want to know more about any of these things.

And you?

And that’s enough about us. Except to say that David is an artist and Stephen is a copyist. (The craft of stained glass has separate niches for different kinds of skill provided they are done well and with respect.)

Now please busy yourself with all the techniques and ideas you’ll find here.

They are what this site is all about.

And how you use them – that is the really exciting thing.

Remember: for glass painting tips and demonstrations, be sure to download this excellent free e-book:Click here to download your free copy