The Broken Stained Glass Crest Part 1: D.O.A.

The man’s voice was husky on the telephone:

“Williams & Byrne? The Williams & Byrne? I need your help! Now! Pronto!”

I opened my top drawer and reached deftly for my badger. During these days of extra-curricula financial mayhem, it doesn’t do to venture far without one.

The Talbot Hound: episode 2


Full disclosure: this video is 23 minutes and 17 seconds long

Here’s episode 2 of The Talbot Hound. If you haven’t watched it yet, episode 1 is here.

If you want, you can download the video here. If you have a question, please use the Comments box on this page here.

Episode 3 next Friday

The Talbot Hound: episode 5

In which I attack the work I’ve done thus far

Three quick reminders:

  1. These aren’t teaching videos. Our aim not to analyse a technique and give you step-by-step instructions. Instead, in these videos, we want to show you how we work in real life. We also talk about the wider issues.
  2. A “talbot” (hound) was a hunting dog – the breed is now extinct.
  3. In this series, you see me painting a dog’s head that’s gone missing from a 19th century window. It’s a part of a restoration project we’re working on right now.

If you’re new to the blog, welcome, and you’ll find episode 1 right here.

In this episode, because episodes 1 through 4 have brought me to the point where my talbot hound looks young and new, I must now take steps so my dog resembles the time-worn fragments which survive…

If you wish to, you can download the episode from here.

To ask a question, please go here.

The Talbot Hound: episode 3

Strengthening, flooding and spottling

Continuing a 6-part series. None of these are teaching videos. Their purpose is instead to show you how we work.

  1. We film the video.
  2. Then we watch the video together and discuss the points which jump out at us.

Episode 1 is here, episode 2 – here. As soon as you’re ready, here’s the next instalment for you:

Download the episode here if you wish to.

All the best for Christmas and the New Year.