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Stephen Byrne

Download Now – Designs & Observations Part 1: Thank You!

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Before you do, here’s something important you must know. When you get your card or bank statement, here’s what you will see:


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If you have any problems or questions about anything at all, we’re here to work with you, so please write to us right here:

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We’re real people, real glass painters like you. We’re here to work with you. So please just write and say when there’s something we can do to help:

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Now here’s where you can get your guide. Thanks again for your order.

Please download Part 1 and save this to your computer right now.

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Stained Glass Painters – Don’t Make These 7 Big Mistakes!

Once a week – a free tip, technique or demonstration

Because you are interested in the techniques of traditional kiln-fired stained glass painting, join this free newsetter and get this useful free report:

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Your Free Report - "Stained Glass Painting - Don't Make These 7 Big Mistakes!"

Fact is, this is your best way of getting a steady useful stream of ideas, techniques and exclusive online video demonstrations to improve your stained glass painting.


It’s quick and easy to join – just enter your first name and your e-mail address.

That’s all.

Note this:

You’ll hear from us once a week.

Only useful things. Useful to kiln-fired glass painters.

Tips, ideas, techniques …

Just one condition:

You must be serious about kiln-fired stained glass painting.

If you are, that’s wonderful – we’ll all get along just fine.

But if you’re after “quick fixes” and “cheap solutions”, go away right now: we can’t help you – don’t waste our time which we can give to people who really want to learn

So that’s your side of the agreement. You’re serious (beginner, improver or professional). You want to learn more. You want to practice and get better. Excellent! We will work together wonderfully well.

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“Thank you so much for your insightful e-mails – greatly appreciated” (Doris Cultraro, New York, US)

“I fell in love with glass painting and bought all the best stuff from all the best people and books and videos from all the best artists and I’ve learned … not a lot! It still seemed shrouded in mystery. And then I found you! Yes, it’s not easy. Yes, it requires practice. But hey! At least there’s SOMEBODY out there who is willing to point me in the right direction” (Pat Kenderdine, Pretoria, South Africa)

“I just wanted you to know you are appreciated and you have an impact on the lives of a lot of us” (Jeannette, Gulfport, Mississippi, US)

“I so enjoy getting your subtle details about designing and making stained glass. These are the details which make the difference between a standard work and a fine one” (Enrique, Rota, Spain)

“I am learning so much from your e-mails and also having a chuckle along the way” (Sue Solomon, Preston, UK)

“I greatly enjoy getting your e-mails and look forward to reading them even though I often have to read them several times to get what you mean or see where your heads are at the time of writing … I get a lot out of them. Keep ’em comin’!” (Ivan Cablek, London, Ontario, Canada)

“It’s SO interesting and inspiring to get your newsletters” (Ilana Fried, Israel)

“Thanks for yet more ever-useful tips” (Paul Yarde, Sussex, England)

These newsletters are great!” (Elaine Leggett, Oldham, England)

“A very timely e-mail for me this week. Thank you once again. You are proving to be a real lifeline and inspiration” (Dorothy Plater, England)

“Thank you for all the wonderful and informative tips that you are sharing with us – you have a real talent for explaining every step succinctly” (Heddy Shears, Australia)

“I don’t normally email much but I just wanted to let you know all of your info is greatly appreciated!” (Rachel Poole, England)

“Thank you from all of us for taking the time and sharing your expertise with us” (David Kittrell, Dallas, US)

Inspired and helped me design my own Poppy panel” (Clare Gardner, England)

Get your free report and join the free newsletter – just enter your first name and e-mail address, then click the “Sign Up Now” button.

“Thanks so much for your wonderful emails – they are so helpful” (Patricia Sullivan, California, US)

“It is such a welcome treat to get your e-mail newsletters – thank you for being there” (Chris Mabbs, Hampshire, England)

“I really appreciate the time you spend on your e-mail newsletters!” (Lynne Rowe, Miami, US)

I just love to hear from you. Your willingness to share is incredible” (Jerry Thompson, Texas, US)

“I am so enjoying your e-mail newsletters – they are so informative” (Virginia Rose)

“Thanks so very much for all the tips” (Robin Clow, Colorado, US)

“I am grateful for your openness. Your presentation is fantastic” (Patricia Robin, San Francisco, US)

“Thank you so much for your newsletters and continued contact. It just thrills me to bits” (Liz Adam, Canada)

“I so enjoy your newsletters. You guys are fun!” (Rina Amad, Malaysia)

“Just wanted to say how interesting and informative I find your demonstrations and tips – thank you!” (Edwina Pastone-Cooper, Oxon, England)

“I find your e-mails so helpful and informative and inspirational!” (Bonnie Faulkner, Maine, US)

Great e-mail as usual and I am now feeling inspired to start painting again” (Eileen Cook, Sussex, England)

“Your e-mails are priceless. Thank you!” (Rohinton Arethna, India)

“I always enjoy and keep the information you send me” (Jean Tavonatti, Mariposa, California)

Free report

Your Free Report - "Stained Glass Painting - Don't Make These 7 Big Mistakes!"

Flashes of insight and inspiration

This free newsletter is the only way you get the flashes of insight and inspiration which you just won’t find in a standard book or magazine article. For example, why and how you should shape your tracing brush like a rolled-up umbrella.

See “Helpful Idea No. 2” in the series.

And also: How to prepare yourself for glass painting when it’s been a while since you’ve done any.

See “Helpful Idea No. 8” in the series.

Every 5 days or so, you get your own copy of this free newsletter. Some newsletters are short, some are long.

Some have close-up photographs of essential techniques.

Others have links to exclusive online video demonstrations.

This way, over the coming weeks and months, you will gain a deeper understanding of the glass painter’s method.

And you’ll also get to explore other techniques as well.

See “Helpful Idea No. 13” in the series where you watch demonstration of oversoldering.

Also “Helpful Idea No. 14” where you see how to apply gold leaf to lead.

And certainly we respect your privacy.

We will never sell or give your contact details to anyone else. We will only write to you in utmost good faith with information that is genuinely interesting to you as a stained glass painter:

  • Tips to solve problems with your paint and palette
  • Techniques for how best to load, shape and care for brushes
  • Exclusive video

“You are such brilliant teachersclever and inspirational” (Patricia Doherty, California, US)

“… a great encouragement as well as highly informative” (Michael Lipina, New York, US)

Sign up today and start receiving exclusive e-mail tips and ideas to improve your kiln-fired stained glass painting. For free.

I just signed up. What a wonderful service. You guys are the best! Your information is wonderful and I learn more each day” (Guy Podrom, New Orleans)

“I love your e-mails. I can’t wait to receive more of them!” (Sandy Fierro, Alexandria, US)

“Thank you for everything! I don’t want to miss anything from you, so I am really looking forward to the newsletters” (Anna Kiss, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania)

“Thanks for your very nice and informative newsletters. They highlight aspects of glass painting which are oft forgotten” (Daniel de Klerk, Calitzdorp, South Africa)

“You have been so important in helping me to add a whole new fresh and artistic dimension to my glass. Your knowledge and unique techniques so freely shared with personal communication have been a very meaningful part of my life” (Karen Deets, Waterbury Center, Vermont)

“I am really excited about finding your website and about using your downloads. Thank you for being there for me” (Sue Konzel, Erie, Pennsylvania)

“Thank you so much for the guides with videos, the information on your website and in your newsletter” (Annemiek Geene, Kerkrade, the Netherlands)

“I have really enjoyed getting your newsletters and I just wish I had gotten them 20 years ago!” (Don Beck, US)

“You are some of those very rare experts who are willing to share their expertise with other people. Thank you for the amazing and fabulous information about glass painting that you send me so regularly” (Louis van Telgen, Amersfoort, the Netherlands)

“I know how busy you are and there must be a zillion people who need your expertise but I so want to write and say how much I appreciate what you do for us. I have learned a lot and I plan on perfecting everything you’ve taught us. I have never found a better site than yours!” (Mary McEwen, Seattle, US)

“Thank you for providing all the information you send out into the universe for all of us to enjoy. I really look forward to hearing from you not just for the content but also for the way in which you write. Your sense of humor always makes me smile” (Sherry France, Las Vegas, US)

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