How to Paint a Stained Glass Head

Things you’ll never get from a book

Books are great. And being glass painters – apart from using an electric kiln, things haven’t changed much in 1000 years – we love traditional and well-made things. Like books.

Yet books can’t do everything. For instance, I can use words to describe the consistency of the paint until I am blue in the face … and you’d see what I meant in just 5 seconds. Easy. Quick. Clear.

So it didn’t take us any time at all to decide this was a project to write up and also put on video for you.

How to trace, shade and highlight a stained glass head

How to trace, shade and highlight a stained glass head

Thing is, you won’t get to see this kind of close-up detail unless you actually get to spend several days sitting alongside a glass painter in their studio.

And maybe that’s not too likely to happen, because it’s difficult to paint when you know someone is watching your every move …

David’s very good at it, though. (Nerves of steel!)

And both of us are good at using film to capture what happens on the palette, the consistency of the paint, how to load the brush, how the brush comes down on the glass, the angle of the glass, where the bridge is in relation to the glass – and essential details like that.

These are vital details you’ll never get from a book.

And the great thing is, this is not “just” about how to paint a stained glass head.

Absolutely not.

It’s a sequence of techniques you’ll be able to use time and time again, on hands, clothing, clouds, flowers, animals …

Watch the 96 minutes of online video, try things out for yourself, and you’ll be able to use these same steps and manoeuvres on countless other projects which come your way.

Right – what do you get?

Here’s what you get:

  • Immediate access to an exclusive video channel containing 96 minutes of online video demonstration on how to paint a stained glass face
  • Immediate access to a photo-packed 13-page PDF download
  • 60-day risk-free, money-back guarantee

What’s in the video forum?

You get to watch 96 minutes of online video. You see what we do. You can watch and copy. Watch as often as you like. Watch wherever you choose.

Essential techniques you absolutely have to see:

  • Prepare the glass for painting
  • How to prime the surface with an undercoat
  • How to trace the main lines
  • How to lay down half-tones
  • Softening the lines and half-tones
  • More about softening and shading
  • How to reinstate and block in
  • Highlighting and softening
  • Painting with oil
  • Highlighting in oil

Best of all you get to see the palette, the consistency of the paint, how to load the brush, how to move from one thickness of paint to another, how to keep the palette organized, how to hold and move the brush, and vital things like that.

Have a quick look at this 3-minute excerpt on painting with oil on top of unfired water-based paint:


And just see what others say:

“I have spent a most pleasant time watching your online video demonstrations for the painting of St. Martha – they are great. Thank you!” (Peta Crooks, South Africa)

“I love the videos and guide to St. Martha – this is exactly the kind of guide I was looking for!” (Virginia Robbins, Boston, US)

“I’ve just been watching your excellent videos to accompany the St. Martha project. It’s just great to see the techniques demonstrated like this. It’s the best way of seeing what to do” (Sara Burns, Shropshire, England)

“I have enjoyed your videos and am going to probably wear them out while I learn from them” (Jack Delaney, Washington, US)

ā€œThe new videos are wonderful! Thank you so much for your care and generosity. Looking forward to trying this lovely approach to thingsā€ (Dorothy Plater, England)

“I’m viewing them again and again. Wonderful information on them. You guys are the best” (Guy Pondrom, Missouri, US)

What’s in the PDF download?

The download contains the kind of fascinating detail you will already expect from us:

  • Overview
  • Close-up step-by-step photos
  • Clear instructions
  • Full-sized water-colour design
  • Full-sized black-and-white line-drawing to show you traced lines
  • Full-sized photo of finished work

Coupled with the information you already have in Glass Painting Techniques & Secrets from an English Stained Glass Studio, you will know enough to attempt such a project for yourself.

“I’m finding the PDF on face painting so valuable as I am in the midst of painting two portraits for a Lutheran Church window to be installed in just over a month” (John Olsen, Ohio, US)

Clear instructions

Step-by-step techniques and photos to support the 96 minutes of online video

Who’s it for?

As always with our publications, this guide is excellent for serious amateurs and professionals.

You’ll learn a particular sequence of techniques that you can also use in other painting projects.

In other words, whether or not you choose to paint a stained glass head, you can use the same sequence for leaves, clouds, hands, animals … what you will.

All that matters is your enthusiasm and interest.

Give that, and we will work together just wonderfully.

E-mail support

E-mail support

100% risk-free money-back guarantee

Detail you won’t see elsewhere

The brushes you must have and use. How to hold them. How to shape them. How to load them with paint. How to clean them.

How to organize your palette. Where to push the paint. How to control it. How to re-mix dried paint. How to move from runny paint to thick paint (and vice versa). How to move from dark paint to light paint (and vice versa).

How to build up layer upon layer in a single firing. The consistency and application of the essential undercoat. Copy-tracing and strengthening. Softening and reinforcing. Highlighting. Painting with oil and highlighting with oil. All in just one firing.

Watch and copy

Instant access

Instant access to the online videos

My Offer to You

Here’s my offer:

  • Instant access to full step-by-step instructions
    • Packed with step-by-step photos
    • Plus art-work
  • Instant access to online video demonstrations

You get all this for US$14.97

Watch as often as you want.

Watch where you choose.

And watch when you want.

Remember – 96 minutes of useful, beautiful ONLINE video demonstrations

So, if this is right for you, just click here and download this guide right now.

How to paint a stained glass head - download now

US $14.97

How to paint a stained glass head - download now

The Beastly Lion of Wolsey Towers

Episode #4


Your video for today begins with a shocking palette; it’s the kind of mess I’d never normally suggest you leave.

In my defence, there’s not much gum Arabic in this particular batch of paint, so it hadn’t dried that hard at all. Also, it wasn’t long since I’d last used it – just an hour or so (not overnight). And that’s why, as you see, it doesn’t take me long to get my paint and palette exactly as I want them.

It’s always a question of knowing the consequences of things you do. I reckoned I could get away with it. And I was right.

Free Chapter

"Practical, easy-to-follow, and very helpful" (Jeff Hitch, Mission Viejo, California, US)

"I am learning more from the information you have supplied me with than from anywhere else" (Rebecca Cashin, Minnesota, US)

ā€œI really enjoy learning your easy-to-follow, helpful techniques ā€“ such a treasure trove of ideasā€ (Shereen Timmerman, California, US)

"All your tips and careful instructions have meant we've been consistently successful" (Chris Thomas, Salisbury, England)

"Your e-book is helping me already" (Jane Bowen, Georgia, US)

"... the most helpful guide on the subject" (Simon Oā€™Connor, Nottingham, UK)

"Superb - exactly the kind of detailed help I needed - innovative and easily accessibleā€ (Jane Hodson, Sheffield, England)

"Your step-by-step instructions were just what I needed: especially - mixing paint and preparing a palette" (Linda Zorichak, Wiesbaden, Germany)

"Very helpful and informative" (Charlotte Pennington, Port St. Lucie, Florida, US)

"Of all the books I have looked at in the library your chapters are the most helpful" (Eve Hamner, California, US)

"The guides and instructions are so well thought out and theyā€™ll be a great help" (Wenna Currie, Devon, UK)

"Thank you for the information on painting on glass. It has been a blessing" (Jeanne Scarpato, New Jersey, US)

"I tried what you said and it worked like a dream" (Judy Albright, Texas, US)

"Until I found your site it was such a struggle!" (Stuart Mortimore, Lancashire, England)

"Your guides have filled in many gaps in my painting education" (Amanda Simmons, Castle Douglas, Scotland, UK)

"Itā€™s a great experience to learn these new techniques" (FĆ”bio Leite de Moura Fonseca, Sao Paolo, Brazil)

"I am absolutely amazed at the quality of service you give me" (Julia Williamson, Ontario, Canada)

"Your information is useful, your interest is priceless" (William Sweet, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, US)

"I feel like part of your studio after receiving all the follow-up material and knowing you are just an email away. I am so inspired!" (Lynn Hamrick, Pennsylvania, US)

"Shading has always been a tough job to me: this guide has explained it very elegantly and in detail" (Varsha Unchali, Bangalore, India)

"... very clear and well illustrated: congratulations" (Claude Thorval, Conches, France)

"I am so excited by your e-book - it's inspiring me to get cracking again on my stained glass after many years absence!" (Sara Alexandra, Brighton, England)

"You've given me a gift I cannot repay: I have wanted so much to get good instruction, and now at last I have" (Kara Unland, California, US)

"Thank you for inspiring me" (Stephanie Lostimolo, Oregon, US)

"I'm really encouraged to see people like yourselves who are so generous with your knowledge" (David Engelking, Brisbane, Australia)

"I canā€™t wait to have a go! What lovely people you are" (Julia Holdcroft, Bexhill on Sea, UK)

"Thanks so much for all the tips and information" (Eve Hamner, Nevada City, US)

"Now I can really imagine the beautiful things I can paint with your help" (Adela Segura, Guatemala)

"Thank you for your prompt action and advice" (Mikiya Arai, Japan)

"I'm so impressed with your service and speed of delivery. Your information is great too and I look forward to putting it into practice" (Mandy Wood, Dargaville, New Zealand)

"I am so impressed by your service" (Richard Carder, Milton Keynes, UK)

"Most impressive service and great follow up" (Paul Hollis, Kenley, England)

"Everything downloaded beautifully, and the information looks very helpful" (Catherine Woods, St. Petersburg, Florida, US)

"The information in your glass painting e-book is extremely helpful - not to mention your prompt email replies" (Charlotte Pennington, Florida, US)

"Many thanks, great service" (Martin McAssey, Sheffield, UK)

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sharing your knowledge" (Peter Reardon, Texas, US)

"I'd like to say a huge 'Thank you' for all your dedication to the cause and for your kind support and advice" (Patrick Gilooley, Grangemouth, Scotland)

"You are simply exquisite: thank you very much for your wonderful activity" (Mafalda Castellani, Rome, Italy)

"Thank you for your excellent e-book and outstanding customer service" (Calvin Carter, Saskatchewan, Canada)

"A big thanks for all the good information" (Gary Surgey, Goring, England)

Click here to download your free chapter

Obsessive About Glass Painting

And that means other things must suffer

Yes, when you do a lot of one thing, other things must suffer

Unless …

Because we paint stained glass, what always happens is: designing and painting are the things we do a lot of, whereas a farĀ smaller part of our time is involved with (a) cutting glass, or (b) assembling it in lead, soldering, cementing etc.

So let’s say weā€™ve got a three-month project whose design is finished: everythingā€™s ready for us to start.

  • First up, weā€™ll cut glass for maybe two weeks.
  • Then, at the end, weā€™ll lead-up, cement and polish for maybe two weeks or three.

In between, itā€™s painting, painting, painting. Two monthsā€™ worth of painting (along with chasing new projects and preparing initial designs for later work).

Now paintingā€™s great.Ā Painting’s absolutely wonderful.Ā But doing so much of it could easily make big problems for us elsewhere.Ā The problems could be, our cutting and leading might suffer.Ā Actually, this could easily happen.

And thatā€™s why …